QCC's Current Club Status - Alexander Horton

Student Life offers students a chance to join clubs to add value to their college experience. Some of these clubs include Anime & Gaming Club (which allows students to both watch anime and play games with friends), ALANA (Americans of African, Latino, Asian, and Native American descent), Brothers & Keepers (which places emphasis on academic success and also addresses retention and transitional issues that impact college student development), the Criminal Justice Club (whose purpose is to provide students of the college community with a liaison to various criminal justice professions), and the Student Brave Space (where students have the freedom to discuss political and societal issues free of judgement). However, during the COVID Pandemic, there seems to be little club activity. 

             she_wyvern_preview.pngThe Criminal Justice Club, The S.H.E. Club, and Student Brave Space seem to be the most active groups during COVID, but it’s still not much. The Criminal Justice Club had virtual meetings in April, meanwhile the Student Brave Space conversations have been planned from April to June. While the S.H.E. Club was still active, it did face many difficulties. While most people expressed interest in the club, very few could make the meetings. Most of those who attended were officers. According to Cora Gauthier, secretary of the S.H.E. Club, “it was hard to find an overlap that worked for everyone.” They were also unable to find fun and entertaining activities to engage in. Besides the guest speaker series that students like myself attended, there “was a lot of red tape wrapped around other activities.” With the money leftover, they would like to use it for t-shirts to entice people to join during future club rushes that will hopefully be held on campus next fall. What about the other clubs? Why didn’t the other clubs have virtual meetings? Will some clubs be disbanded after students return to campus? After COVID, can you still register for clubs while staying home? To answer these questions, check out the QCC student life page at Clubs and Organizations | Quinsigamond Community College (QCC) for more information on what these clubs do, as well as providing you with contact information for the advisors.

